Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros | Hudson Valley Style Magazine

Hudson Valley Style Magazine
4 min readJun 21, 2024


Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

As summer 2024 kicks off, the Hudson Valley and Catskills regions are buzzing with vacation rental activity. For homeowners looking to capitalize on this demand, understanding and navigating local regulations is paramount. The potential for success is vast, but staying informed and compliant with local rules ensures a smooth and rewarding experience. Fortunately, experts like Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality Experiences at Alluvion Vacations, offer invaluable insights to help property owners stay on the right side of the law. “Understanding local regulations is not just a necessity, it’s a commitment to maintaining the charm and safety of our beloved regions,” says Dino.

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations
Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Understanding Local Regulations

The Hudson Valley and Catskills regions boast unique charm and appeal, but with that comes a web of local regulations designed to maintain community standards and ensure safety. Our municipalities have stringent rules for vacation rentals, making it essential for property owners to stay informed and compliant.

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Vacation Rental Permits

One of the first steps to legally operating a vacation rental in the Hudson Valley and Catskills is obtaining the necessary permits. Many municipalities require homeowners to apply for a vacation rental permit, which often involves an application process, inspections, and a fee. This permit process ensures that the property meets local zoning laws and community standards.

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations
Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Compliance with Local Building Codes and Fire Safety

Safety is a top priority for vacation rentals, and compliance with local building codes and fire safety regulations is non-negotiable. This includes ensuring that properties have functioning smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers. Additionally, properties may need to be inspected by local fire departments to ensure they meet all safety standards.

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Tax Laws and Occupancy Taxes

Understanding and complying with tax laws is crucial for vacation rental owners. This includes collecting and remitting sales tax, occupancy tax, and any other applicable local taxes. In the Hudson Valley and Catskills, occupancy taxes are particularly important, as they contribute to local tourism funding. Failure to comply with these tax laws can result in significant fines and legal trouble.

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Property Management and Maintenance

Regular property maintenance and management play a crucial role in ensuring compliance. This includes adhering to health and sanitation standards, maintaining landscaping, and ensuring that all amenities are in good working order. Professional property management companies like Alluvion Vacations can assist homeowners in maintaining their properties and ensuring they remain in compliance with local regulations.

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations
Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Best Practices for Staying Compliant

Here are some best practices for vacation rental homeowners to ensure compliance:

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up to date with local regulations and any changes that may occur. This can be done by regularly checking municipal websites and attending local community meetings.
  2. Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your property to ensure all safety equipment is functioning and that the property is in good condition.
  3. Professional Assistance: Consider hiring a professional property management company that specializes in vacation rentals to handle compliance and maintenance.
  4. Accurate Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate records of all permits, inspections, and taxes. This will be invaluable in the event of an audit or inspection.
  5. Clear Communication with Guests: Provide clear instructions and guidelines for guests to follow during their stay to ensure they are aware of local regulations, such as noise ordinances and parking restrictions.

By following these guidelines, homeowners can not only avoid the pitfalls of non-compliance but also enhance the overall guest experience. As Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality Experiences at Alluvion Vacations, puts it, “Compliance isn’t just about following rules; it’s about creating a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.”

Navigating Vacation Rental Compliance in the Hudson Valley and Catskills: Expert Tips from the Pros — STR Management 101 with Dino Alexander, Director of Hospitality at Alluvion Vacations — Presented by Alluvion Vacations

Operating a vacation rental in the Hudson Valley and Catskills can be a lucrative venture, but it requires a thorough understanding of local regulations and a commitment to compliance. By obtaining the necessary permits, adhering to building codes and fire safety standards, understanding tax obligations, and maintaining their properties, homeowners can ensure their rentals are both safe and profitable. With the guidance of experts like Dino Alexander and the support of professional management companies like Alluvion Vacations, navigating the complexities of vacation rental compliance becomes a manageable and rewarding endeavor.

// Learn more about Vacation Rental Management Services by Alluvion Vacations >>

Originally published at on June 21, 2024.

